How to Train a Church Security Team

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Rescue Essentials has PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), portable medical kits, and emergency medical supplies.Use coupon code “DD10OFF” for 10% off your purchase. Some restrictions apply.

Rescue Essentials has PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), portable medical kits, and emergency medical supplies.

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When I first joined the Church Security Team at my Church, it was small. Sometimes I was the only guard at a service with hundreds of congregants.

Feeling responsible for everyone’s safety felt heavy.

Most of my training was firearms related, and I didn’t have a concealed carry permit to carry while at Church!

These years were great for my physical fitness; I lifted weights, worked out with a personal trainer, and took mixed martial arts classes daily.

These years were also great for my spiritual growth. I became dependent on God. I believed, without a doubt, that He would come through!

After a few years, the Director informed me that he was moving away and asked me if I would take over his position.

I knew in my heart, I was called for such a time as this (Esther 4:14) and that this was part of God’s plan for me.

I said “yes” and hit the ground running!

I tried to protect my teammates from the issues that had bothered me, such as not getting enough Church Security Training and sometimes not having any backup.  

I immediately started going through my connections from the target shooting range and gym to recruit teammates and instructors. By including teammates and instructors who normally do not attend Church, we are reaching the lost!

We started having one Church Security Training per month, and I figured out The Best Way To Train A Church Security Team.

Map out your training curriculum for the year, considering August and December turnouts may be low because of the summer vacations and holidays. If your Church Security Team will train ten times this year, choose the ten topics that are most important for your teammates to know!

Church Security Training Examples:

  1. Situational Awareness (e.g., Gift of Fear and/or Left of Bang).

  2. Threat De-escalation (e.g., Verbal Judo).

  3. Use of Force: You can check for classes at your local gun range, and/or utilize resources like Deadly Force: Understanding Your Right to Self Defense.

  4. TASER training, if your Church Security Team is permitted to carry a TASER.

  5. Firearms training, if you have Armed Guards.

  6. Active Shooter training.

  7. CPR, AED and Basic First Aid.

  8. Stop the Bleed.

  9. Fire Evacuations, Explosives and Searches.

  10. Child Safety Training for Abuse Prevention (included with all Background Check/ program bundles at Protect My Ministry).

All Background Check bundles at Protect My Ministry include Child Safety Training

All Background Check bundles at Protect My Ministry include Child Safety Training. Click here for a discounted rate!


I made the arrangements for each Church Security Training, including choosing the topic, and finding an instructor. The instruction should align with what your teammates are authorized to do in the Church Security Policy.

When others hear about the cool things we are doing (e.g., force on force active shooter training with Simunition rounds), they’ll want to join the Church Security Team!

By offering quality trainings, we’re equipping our teammates, recruiting, AND reaching the lost!

One of the many reasons I love the Church Security Team is that we are the first responders for every emergency.

Primarily, Police come to end the threat, the Fire Department comes to put out a fire, and EMTs come for medical emergencies… whereas Church Security is already on scene and expected to respond in every emergency (whether it’s a child choking, adult having chest pains, the fire alarm going off or there is an active shooter, etc.).

In the however many minutes it takes for emergency responders to arrive in your area (let’s say eight minutes), that can be the difference between life and death. As we saw in the shooting at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, three people were killed in just six seconds.

These are more than “Church Security skills,” these are “life skills,” and they benefit us (self-preservation), our families, co-workers and the community!

“God will give the victory, but the chosen must do their part (Judges 7:20).”

What do you think is the best way to train a Church Security Team? Comment below!

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If you know any Pastors, Directors of Safety and Security, or Church Leaders that would find this information helpful, then please share this blog post with them!

About the Author: Lori Corini is an attorney admitted to practice law in the state of New York, an NRA Pistol Instructor and Range Safety Officer, a NYS licensed armed guard, and Director of Safety and Security and a Board Member at her Church.

Rescue Essentials has PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), portable medical kits, and emergency medical supplies.Use coupon code “DD10OFF” for 10% off your purchase. Some restrictions apply.

Rescue Essentials has PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), portable medical kits, and emergency medical supplies.


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